Irrigation Service
Repairs, Blowouts, Start ups. We keep the water flowing.
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Irrigation Help For You
Lawnpro provides irrigation startups, adjustments, repairs, and winterizing. Since we are a maintenance company, we do not provide the initial installation of irrigation systems.
At the beginning of the season we will start your irrigation system. Typically, we do not start irrigation systems until all threats of frost have passed. Therefore, we will perform your irrigation start up towards the end of May through the beginning of June. At this time, we will also evaluate anything that needs to be adjusted or repaired to make sure your irrigation is prepared for the warm weather ahead!
Throughout the season if you need an adjustment or repair, we can take care of them so you can continue to enjoy your summer.
At the end of the year we will winterize your irrigation system to prepare for winter. Typically, we do not begin irrigation winterizing until mid-October to Halloween.
What is the seasonal watering period?
In Minnesota the watering period is June – September. Minimal water is usually needed from October – May.
What is the best time of the day to water?
The most efficient time of the day to water your lawn is morning, 4am – 8am. This is because less water is lost to evaporation in the early morning, temperatures are lower, and sunlight is less intense, and there is less wind. Midday watering is less efficient because of evaporation, though it may benefit plants in hot weather since it cools them and reduces stress. Try to avoid watering in late evening because plants may remain wet through the night which encourages lawn diseases. If you must water in the evening, try between 4pm – 6pm which should give the grass blades time to dry before nightfall.
How can I tell if my lawn is water deficient?
If you notice its color has changed from a lively green to a duller, grayer green, then your lawn needs water. Look behind you when you walk across your lawn – if your footprints remain visible, your lawn needs water. This is because the grass blades don’t have the needed moisture to spring back.
Watering cool season grasses
In Minnesota we have cool season grasses which mainly include fescue, bluegrass, and ryegrass.
Tall fescue has a deep root system and the highest draught tolerance of all the “cool season” grass types. Lawns that are a mixture of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescues will go dormant during drought if not watered. But will revive (re-green) when rain returns.
How much should I water?
It all depends on your soil. A good rule of thumb to follow is water deep and for longer periods of time. If you water frequently and in small amounts your grass roots never have the chance to grow deep. Having shallow roots will make your lawn be more susceptible to diseases and is not healthy overall.
It’s important to make sure you water properly. If you water too lightly then you are just setting up your lawn for trouble when hot weather arrives.
Loamy soils: Approximately 1” of water a week is needed (Including rainfall).
Sandy soils: Approximately 1/2” of water two or three times a week since sandy soils don’t hold water well.
Clay soils: Approximately one 1” or two 1/2″ intervals of water a week since clay and clay loam soil hold water well. If you notice puddles of water on your lawn surface, you’re over-watering.
How can I tell how much water I’ve applied?
It’s easier than you think! Try these methods below.
Coffee can method: Place a row of equal-sized, straight-sided cans in a line at 1’ or 2’ intervals from your sprinkler to the farthest point of watering. Then, time how long it takes to fill the cans 1/2″ to 1” and that is how long you should water your lawn.
Spade method: Sink a shovel into the soil and form a hole. Soil should be moist to the depth of the spade approximately 6”-8”. Then remove the shovel and press the soil into place with your foot.
This information is for existing/established lawns. If you have a newly seeded or sodded lawn please contact us for more detailed information on watering requirements.
Information provided by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture
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Our Lawn Mowing Service Areas
- Blaine, MN
- Centerville, MN
- Circle Pines, MN
- Columbus, MN
- Dellwood, MN
- Forest Lake, MN
- Gem Lake, MN
- Hugo, MN
- Lexington, MN

- Lino Lakes, MN
- Mahtomedi, MN
- Moundsview, MN
- North Oaks, MN
- Pine Springs, MN
- Spring Lake Park, MN
- Vadnais Heights, MN
- White Bear Lake, MN